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Motor boats, boats and yachts

Optimal type of displacement boat The efficiency of a slow-moving boat with an automobile engine is always higher than that of a planing one. Can a displacement boat with an automobile engine achieve the efficiency of a modern subcompact? The experience of operating boats with a displacement of 1.5-2 tons, equipped with four-stroke engines and designed for tourist sailing with a crew of 3-4 people, often confirms that the fuel consumption of about 10 liters per 100 km is quite real... read more>>>

Repair of metal boat hulls with riveting During operation, the hulls of motor boats and boats can receive various damages: dents and cracks in the skin sheets, knits and profiles of the kit; weakening of rivet seams and violation of their water resistance, especially in areas of increased vibration of the hull at the transom, holes in the skin and deck, etc... read more>>>

Repair of metal hulls of boats using thermoplastics A simple and affordable way can be to repair the hull of a motor boat or a boat with a polymer thermoplastic composition, which consists of fiberglass and a thermoplastic material applied to it — polyvinyl butyral. Instead of fiberglass, metal plates of the desired thickness can be used... read more>>>

Repair of metal hulls of boats by welding During the operation of metal boats and yachts, cracks, holes, dents and other defects appear in their hulls, in which the use of the vessel becomes impossible. Small holes in the housing with an area of up to 500 mm² can be sealed with a thermoplastic composition consisting of fiberglass and polyvinyl butyral. However, cracks formed in angular joints and large holes can only be repaired by welding... read more>>>

Boat «Jack-Shprot» Boat «Jack-Shprot» can be an ideal «dingy» for two fishermen fishing on the river or in the sea bay near the shore. The boat is stable, easy to move under the oars, can be used with an outboard motor with a capacity of up to 5 hp. Its weight together with a pair of oars does not exceed 30 kg, so one person loads it onto the upper trunk of the car without much effort... read more>>>

Boats for sea fishing A large sea fishing boat is always a fashionable motor yacht, which is equipped with not one, but several cabins and a salon with air conditioning, a galley, a shower, etc. Depending on the quality of the finish, the level of comfort and completeness of the equipment set, the cost of the boat varies from... read more>>>

Life-saving accessories (life jackets, circles, bibs, etc.): rules of maintenance Each pleasure and tourist boat going out to sea must be equipped with individual life-saving accessories: circles, bibs, floating pillows or vests, according to the number of people on board the vessel. Construction of all rescue accessories... read more>>>

An adjustable rowlock for oars and a foot rest for effective rowing on a boat It is not always convenient for a person with non-standard physical parameters to row on a standard rowing boat designed for a person of average height. Two simple devices will help to eliminate to a minimum inconveniences when rowing for people of both large and small stature... read more>>>

Propeller: steel or aluminum — which is better? «Steel propeller versus aluminum» is perhaps one of the most burning topics for discussion at boat parks and water-motor forums. The disputes do not subside, although the question, as they say, «with a beard» — the problem of such a choice has been facing waterfowl humanity for many decades. Being supporters of a professional approach... read more>>>

«Tumbalens» — an automatic pump for pumping water out of the boat At many boat and boat stops on the west coast of Norway, bright floats swaying at the sides of ships attract attention. These are «Tumbalenses» — automatic drainage pumps that work due to barely noticeable fluctuations of the water surface in the harbor or the rocking of the ship... read more>>>

Fastnet-79: tragedy and lessons In the middle of August last year, in many, even very far from sailing, newspapers and magazines published in different languages of the world, huge headlines full of drama appeared: «Racing with death», «There could have been much more dead», «Two days of tragedy on the Toscana», «Is only the elements guilty!» etc. etc. Sensational reports from the scene, interviews with officials and extensive polemical articles discussed the circumstances and causes of the tragedy that took place during the traditional Fastnet race in the Irish Sea. It was reported about several dozen sunken or missing yachts, about the dead yachtsmen... read more>>>

Motor boat «Sea dart»: we inform you about the details As noted in the corporate prospectus, the triple «Sea dart» is intended primarily for those who are fond of water skiing, fishing, scuba diving, walking on the water in order to swim and sunbathe. It is addressed to all those who need a small and inexpensive vessel with a high speed and a spacious deck... read more>>>

A 40-foot planing motor sailboat. High-speed motor-sailing planing yacht The idea of creating such a motor-sailing pleasure yacht, which would be capable of planing while running under the engine, interested me for a long time, but I really started working on a draft design of such a vessel in 1972 (several articles illustrated with my sketches of this vessel appeared then in yacht magazines)... read more>>>

A boat on one hydrofoil Currently, the most common option is to install the aft and bow wings with approximately equal distribution of the weight of the boat between them. The two-wing scheme provides the highest hydrodynamic quality at the estimated maximum speed, however, its implementation is usually associated with great difficulties in the development of a propeller-driven complex and fine-tuning of built boats. In search of simplification, the designers came to the paradoxical idea of abandoning the aft wing. It turned out that a sufficient effect can be obtained with a single-wing scheme... read more>>>

How to determine the distance to the shore Determining the distances to the shore or visible objects in the sea is a constant concern of the captain. Depending on the situation and opportunities, they use various methods, for example, using sextans and tables, but most often they estimate the distance «by eye». There is, however, a proven method... read more>>>

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